Friday, May 17, 2013

Personal Branding and Social SEO - a Case Study

I thought I would share a recent post I published over on Google+ entitled 'Integrating Social Media, SEO and Personal PR' which was nattily subtitled 'A Case Study in Combining Social Media Channel Management, SEO and Personal Branding'.

The post is reproduced below and illustrates an exercise in improving one's personal brand online, identifying a social media strategy and leveraging social for SEO. It goes something like this....

Friday, May 03, 2013

The Value of Being Part of the Folkestone Digital Hub

The Quarterhouse in Folkestone's
Creative Quarter
Call it what you like; a scene, a cluster or a hub but luckily for us Folkestone has a small but steadily emerging cluster of digital and creative businesses. But just how can you measure the value of being part of such a scene?