I had a great day at the third Digital in Kent conference yesterday. This time round I chaired the morning session which I actually really enjoyed, it was nice being able to set the scene for the audience as to why each speaker had been selected and also having to think on your feet to pick out some highlights after each speaker's presentations.
Then in the afternoon I handed over the chair to Paul Andrews which freed me up to do a speed session on Google+ authorship for SEO in 7 minutes! This was really great fun and the audience seemed to really engage - it's certainly been a talking point since then on social media.
how to use
Reflecting on yesterday's events its really interesting to see how Digital in Kent has developed since we all had the idea to hold the first event in April 2013. Back then I was about the only person using the hashtag #digikent on Twitter but yesterday it seemed to be on fire all day (wifi access in the venue allowing!).
Many people also said they felt it was a much more relaxed atmosphere; whether this was down to the change in venue set amidst rolling orchards I don't know.
As ever its a tricky balance getting the tone of the content at the event just right for everyone, but I've already noted several potential topics for the next event, based on feedback from delegates.
So now our challenge in the office is to leverage the exposure gained for myself and Webscape to try and generate some tangible leads and business!